About me
I have been a software developer for 10+ years. My most favorite language is C#. I have been a Microsoft MVP since Jul 2013. When you ask me to write articles or make presentations, you’re welcome to contact me. I’m a doctor of Science (Physics). Here is my article list.
Current Position
I’m a technical support manager at New Relic K.K. (Japan).
I’m also interested in the following things personally.
- public cloud technology (Microsoft Azure, AWS, GCP and so on)
- C# (.NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Visual Studio Extension and Visual Studio Tools for Office)
- OpenTelemetry
- Radius
- kubernetes
- Microsoft Quantum (Q# and topological quantum computing)
I have been making presentations in a community group about the above themes. You can see some of them in the Public Speaking section.
Public Speaking
- Azure Cloud Provier in OpenShift 3.10 at London OpenShift meetup
- OpenShift on Azure Stack at London OpenShift meetup
- SQL Server on RHEL
- .NET Core on OpenShift at London OpenShift meetup
- Getting Started with Microsoft Azure at Red Hat Tech Exchange APAC 2016
- An introduction to .NET core on RHEL at Red Hat Tech Exchange APAC 2016
- AKS Best Practices 解説(動画)
- Q# ハンズオン
- Q# 基礎
- Q# Coding Contest振り返り
- ゼロから始めるQ#
- Developing & Deploying .NET Core on Linux
- ASP.NET Core のお気に入りの機能たち (docker向け)
Blog Sites
- Chatwork API (NuGet)
- NLog.Targets.AmazonSNS (NuGet)
- OpenShift Client C# SDK (NuGet)
- OpenShift for VisualStudio (Visual Studio Marketplace)
- Open for PSCmdlet (Visual Studio Marketplace)
- CsProjUtil (Visual Studio Marketplace)